How to Audit Password Entry for Batch Approvals


Provides steps on how to set up an audit to capture password entry for the Batch Approvals window.


The “Please Enter Password” dialog box cannot be audited because it is not an actual window. You may create a Forms audit to track when the Approval check box is being marked.

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Auditor | Audit Groups.
  2. Create a new Audit Group and Audit Description or select an existing Audit Group.
  3. Click + and select Form Audit.
  4. Find the Batch window you wish to audit.
  5. Click the Field Selection Wizard to create the audit.
  6. Click Open window button.
  7. Mark the Batch Number as the Key Field
  8. Mark to Audit (with or without Notes) the Approval check box.
  9. Click Finish.

Auditor will track the approval after the user has checked the Approval box, entered the password, clicked OK in the Password dialog box, and has either tabbed off the Approve fields or clicked on Save in the Batch Entry window.

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