How to Track User Access with Auditor


Explains how to track User Access to companies using Auditor.


Resolution 1:

Set the Security Audit Option in System Settings.

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Auditor | Auditor Setup | System Settings.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Under Security Audit Options, mark Automatically Audit Security Changes.
  4. If you would like a note when the user makes a change, mark each individual setting.

Resolution 2:

Create a SQL Table Audit

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Auditor | Auditor Setup | Audit Groups.
  2. Create a new Group ID and Group Description or select an existing Group ID.
  3. Click + and select SQL Table Audit.
  4. In the Search field, type SY60100 for the table.
  5. Highlight the table and click Select.
  6. Set up the audit in the way you need.

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