DRM is not passing the parameter values to the SRS report

When you generate an SSRS report in DRM, you receive the following message.

Default value or value provided for the report parameter ‘SOPNUMBER is not a valid value.

The report does generate successfully from Report Manager.

Verify the parameter name in DRM matches the parameter name in SSRS. They must match in order for the report to print successfully.
Next, check how the parameter was created.  When DRM creates the URL it will trim off any blank spaces in a parameter.  For example, your parameter is SOP Number.  If the parameter was not created to trim nulls after the SOP Number when DRM passes the parameter, it will drop these null characters.  The result is DRM is passing the incorrect parameter values and a blank report is displayed.  In this case the parameter will need to be updated in SSRS to trim null characters.