DRM Shortcuts on the GP Shortcut Bar

Each time I launch Dynamics GP, the DRM shortcuts are removed from the User Class and put in a different place. Is there a way to position these shortcuts in a particular location on the Shortcut Bar, so that they fall in a logical order?

We have discovered a problem with Microsoft GP in that the drag-and-drop is not working correctly when the shortcut is a DRM-created one.

Fortunately, you can right-click on any shortcut and choose Copy or Cut, then Paste it into the folder that you want to, and that works, even for the DRM ones.

Additional strange behavior we noticed with the drag-and-drop problem is that you can’t drag anything to any of those folders if they are empty.  You first have to either create a shortcut there by right-clicking the folder name and choosing Add, or by using the Copy & Paste method mentioned above.  Once you have something in a folder, you can then drag any other shortcut to that folder.

These issues/bugs have to do with GP/Microsoft, so they are out of our control to resolve.