DSN %1 is missing message

We are getting a DSN %1 is missing message in DRM when printing a report.

This error message typically indicates the report is not connecting to the database correctly.


1. The ODBC DSN setup and test it to make sure it tests successfully. Please note the DSN must be setup using GP requirements. The ANSI settings must be unmarked.

2. In DRM check the global settings to verify the DSN, username and password information is entered correctly (Admin View | Global Report Defaults).

3. Check the Connections tab for the specific report to make sure the DSN, username and password information is correct here as well (Admin View | Reports | Select the report | Click on the Connection tab).

4.  If you are running 64-bit ODBC connection through the control panel ODBC applet, make sure you create a DSN using the 32 bit applet located in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe from Start/Run menu. Create your ODBC DSN with this tool.