Error "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\DRMCI11.EXE C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\DRMreportname.rsci returned 11"

After installing DRM on a workstation I’m receiving an error “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\DRMCI11.EXE C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\DRMreportname.rsci returned 11” when trying to print a Crystal report. How do I fix this?

This error indicates a permission issue for both the Launcher and the GP application folder where the Launcher executable resides. To resolve this, you will need to do the following on each workstation and server where DRM is installed.


  1. If GP is open, log out
  2. Go to your GP Application folder
  3. Right-mouse click on DRMCI11.exe file and choose Properties
  4. On the General tab at the bottom, if there is an Unblock button, click Unblock
  5. On the Security tab, choose the appropriate Group or user names, then check the Allow boxes for Read & Execute, Read and Write, then click OK to close the window
  6. Right-mouse click on the GP Application folder, then choose Properties
  7. Click on the Security tab and choose the appropriate Group or user names, then check the Allow boxes for Read & Execute, Read and Write, then click OK to close the window
  8. Log back in to GP and try printing your report again

If you continue to receive this error, please contact