Error: DRM Trigger did not register


After upgrading to the latest build of Dynamics Report Manager (DRM), you receive the following error when you launch Microsoft Dynamics GP (GP):

DRM Trigger did not register.



This error indicates the setup of a launch point is incomplete and DRM is not able to register the trigger.




Versions 2010 and later:


  1. Log into GP as sa.
  2. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Utilities | Dynamics Report Manager | Transfer Manager.
  3. Export a copy of the Launch Point mentioned in the error message.
    1. Click Export Reports.
    2. Select a Filename for the exported Launch Point.
    3. Select the Launch Point in the Objects to Transfer section.
    4. Click Export.
  4. Go to Reports | Dynamics Report Manager | Dynamics Report Manager Explorer.
  5. Click Launch Points.
  6. Select the Launch Point mentioned in the error message, and then click the Edit Launch Point button.
  7. Click Duplicate to have a copy of it to reference if needed.
  8. Verify everything is setup correctly on the duplicate. For example, see if you have a window field or button defined for a product (e.g. Manufacturing) that has not been installed on the workstation yet.


Versions 8.0 and 9.0:


  1. Check the Launch Points. Specifically, the Window Field or Button Launch Point, if you have any. This Launch Point type has a “Trigger Type” under the Settings tab. If this is set up wrong, it can result in a Trigger type error message. See the Notes section below for more details on how to set up a Window Field or Button Launch Point.
  2. Also, verify you are upgrading to the latest build of DRM (part 2 of 2 of the downloads) and also that you have the latest DRM Launcher (part 1 of 2, of the downloads) installed. The Product Downloads can be found here:




The steps here describe how to set up a Window Field or Button Launch Point:


The Window Field or Button Launch Point provides a trigger point, usually from a button on a window, from which to launch a report from. The print button on a window is a common example, but you can launch a report from a Posting button or when a user enters a dollar amount in a specific field.

Versions 10.0 and later:


  1. Log into Microsoft Dynamics GP (GP) as sa.
  2. Go to Reports | Dynamics Report Manager | Dynamics Report Manager Explorer.
  3. Click Launch Points.
  4. Click the Add Launch Point button.
  5. Click Enter Manually, select Window Field or Button for the Launch Point Type, and then click OK.
  6. Under the Settings tab select the following:
    1. Trigger Type
    2. Attach Type
    3. Product, Series, and a Form
    4. Window and/or Field – These fields will be available based on the selection(s) in step 5c.
  7. Under the Reports tab, select the report(s) you would like to print.
  8. Use the Access tab to setup security restrictions.
  9. Use the Actions tab to add additional actions such as, Set Parameter to Field, Launch All Reports, etc.


Versions 8.0 and 9.0


  1. Log into Great Plains as a DRM Report Administrator.
  2. Under the Administrator View in DRM, select Launch Points.
  3. Click New Launch Point.
  4. Select Window Field or Button as the Launch Point Type, enter a New Launch Point ID, and then click OK.
  5. Under the Settings tab select the following:
    1. Trigger Type
    2. Attach Type
    3. Product, Series, and a Form
    4. Window and/or Field – These fields will be available based on the selection(s) in step 5c.
  6. Under the Reports tab, select the report you would like to print.
  7. Use the Access tab to setup security restrictions.
  8. Use the Actions tab to add additional actions such as, Set Parameter to Field, Launch All Reports, etc.




The following is an example of how to add a Customer List report to the Customer Maintenance window. Step 5 in this example is optional. It has been included in the example to display how to set a parameter in a Launch Point.


  1. Click on New Launch Point
    1. Method: Enter Manually
    2. Launch Point Type = Window Field or Button
    3. New Launch Point ID = Cust Report Button
  2. Settings tab:
    1. Trigger Type = Window Print Menu
    2. Attach Type = Before original Script
    3. Product = Great Plains
    4. Series = Sales
    5. Form = Customer Maintenance
    6. Window = Customer Maintenance
    7. Field = N/A
  3. Reports tab:
    1. Click (+) and browse to my Customer List and click Select
  4. Access tab: accept defaults
  5. Actions tab:
    1. Click (+)
    2. Action = Set Parameter to Field
    3. Report = Customer List
    4. Parameter = Customer ID
    5. Product = Microsoft Dynamics GP or Great Plains
    6. Series = Sales
    7. Form = Customer Maintenance
    8. Window = Customer Maintenance
    9. Field = Customer Number
    10. Click (+)
    11. Action = Launch Specific Report
    12. Report = Customer List