Error: Illegal address for field 'RSA Table Name' in script 'RSA_Explorer_Get_Field_Info_Audit'. Script terminated.


The following error message appears after creating a favorite and a reminder in SmartList for an Auditor report:

Unhandled script exception: Illegal address for field 'RSA Table Name' in script 'RSA_Explorer_Get_Field_Info_Audit'. Script terminated.


This issue has been recently documented as a software bug.


The Auditor Custom Reminders need to be removed. To do this, please follow these steps:

  1. Make a complete restorable backup.
  2. Log into Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  3. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Reminders.
  4. Click Change Reminder Preferences.
  5. Take note of any Custom Reminders set up for Auditor for the workaround options below.
  6. Select any Custom Reminders that are set up for Auditor, and then click Remove.
  7. Repeat Step 6 for all Auditor Custom Reminders.
  8. Click OK.


Option 1: Create a SmartList Designer report using a SQL View on the Auditor Audit Log Master table.

  1. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, create a new SQL View in the DYNAMICS database using this statement:
    Select * from RSAS015

    Save it with a name of RSAS015 ALL, for example.

    1. Go to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the GP Server.
    2. Expand the Server, expand Databases, expand DYNAMICS, right-click on Views, and click New View.
    3. Close the Add Table window.
    4. Change the SELECT FROM script to: SELECT * FROM RSAS015.
    5. Right click on the script, and click Execute SQL.
    6. Close the Query window, click Yes to save your changes, and enter a name, for example, RSAS015 ALL.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Click Favorites.
    9. Enter a Name, for example, Vendor Add This Week.
    10. Click Add, and then click Add favorite and reminder.
    11. Enter the Remind me when information in the Custom Reminder window. For example, select Number of records is greater than 0.
    12. Click OK.
  2. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, create a new SmartList Designer Report using the new SQL View. Save it as Audit Records, for example.
    1. Log into Microsoft Dynamics GP as an administrator.
    2. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | SmartList.
    3. Click New.
    4. Enter a List Name, for example, Audit Records.
    5. Select Auditor for the Product.
    6. Expand Views, expand System, and then select RSAS015 ALL (the SQL View created in Step 1 above).
    7. Remove any of the Selected Fields you do not want to appear in the SmartList report.
    8. Click OK to save the report.
  3. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, create a Favorite and Reminder for the new report.
    1. In SmartList, expand Auditor, expand Audit Records, and then click the Asterisk.
    2. Click Search.
    3. Enter the Search criteria. For example, enter the following to show you which Vendor records were added this week:
      1. RSA_Table_Physical_Name is equal to PM00200.
      2. RSA_Event_Type is equal to 1
      3. RSA_Date is between Beginning of Week and End of Week.
  4. Refresh the Home page and the Reminder is now available to select and SmartList will open with the appropriate Audit records appearing.
  5. Repeat Step 3 for any other Favorites and Reminders that need to be created for the Auditor Audit Log Master table

Note: Here are the other main Auditor tables if you need to create a SQL View for them:

  • E-Sign Approvals: RSES Approval Log Master: RSAS039
  • Security Audits: RSAS Security Audit Log Mstr: RSAS045

Option 2: Create a Daily Task.

  1. Log into Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  2. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Reminders.
  3. Click New Task.
  4. Add a note for which Auditor SmartList report needs to be viewed. For example, Print Auditor Favorites.
  5. Verify the Task Assigned To is for the correct User.
  6. Click Recurrence to adjust how often you want the Task to appear.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click OK.


To have your contact information added to the bug so that you are notified with any updates regarding the bug, please reach out to


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