Error registering trigger Field_Pre_Generic_Trigger followed by Error registering trigger Field_Post_Generic_Trigger after upgrading


After upgrading you receive errors when logging in to Dynamics GP.  The field and form referenced may vary.


Error registering trigger Field_Pre_Generic_Trigger for ‘(L) wfOriginalBatch’ of window ‘GL_Transaction_Entry’ of form ‘GL_Transaction_Entry’. Error code: 4.

Error registering trigger Field_Post_Generic_Trigger for ‘(L) wfOriginalBatch’ of window ‘GL_Transaction_Entry’ of form ‘GL_Transaction_Entry’. Error code: 4.


Field names have been changed between versions.


Find the new field name in the audit and set it to audit.

    1. Open the Audit Group that contains the audit for the form referenced.
    2. Double-click to open the audit.
    3. In the Audit Form Maintenance window, from the Windows list, make sure the list is expanded.
    4. Click the Transaction entry form to display the fields.
    5. In the field list on the right, see if the wfOriginalBatch field appears. Most likely it no longer exists.
    6. Find the field that would replace it. In this example, it is (L)wfOriginalBatchNumber.
    7. Highlight the field and then click the Mark to Audit icon.
    8. Click OK to the window and then Save the Audit Group.

Note: If you receive the error multiple times, follow these steps for each form and field referenced.