Error: This Report ID is already in use. Please enter another Report ID.

After I copied all of the DRM tables from GP production to my test server and then try to create a new report at the test server I get an error, “This Report ID is already in use. Please enter another Report ID.”. How do I resolve this?

This error typically appears when you have copied the DRM tables over from one server to another and the same report ID is being used for the new report, but also still resides in one of the many tables that hold the DRM Report ID information. In most cases it is the DRM101 (DRM_Report_ID  field) which is the DRM Report Master table.

The best way to move the data from one server to another would be to use the DRM Transfer Manager option instead of coping the tables over. Using the transfer option you can copy all report and launch point setup over from one server to another.

The transfer option is found under the Admin View option in the DRM Report Explorer.  Once you open the Transfer Manager you can select to export the setup, browse out to a location where you would like to save the file and then click on export to begin the process. Once the export has been completed, you can move the file to the other server and use the same Transfer Manager option to import the settings in.

We recommend using this method over copying the tables to avoid running into duplicate report ID errors.