Error: Unable to display report in report viewer. Report does not contain a parameter named XXX.

When printing a Crystal report in Dynamics Report Manager (DRM), the follow error message is appearing:

Unable to display report in report viewer.

Report does not contain a parameter named XXX.


Cause 1:
The parameter on the DRM report is not correct. (See Resolution 1.)

Cause 2:
The parameter on the Crystal report is not being seen by DRM even though it is setup correctly on the report in DRM. (See Resolution 2.)


Resolution 1:

  1. Go to Reports | Dynamics Report Manager | Dynamics Report Manager Explorer.
  2. Highlight the report, click the Edit Report button.
  3. In the Report Maintenance window, click Duplicate to create a copy of the report.
  4. In the Report Maintenance window, verify the duplicated report is appearing.
  5. Click the Parameters tab.
  6. Delete the current parameters on the report by selecting each parameter and clicking the Delete Parameter button.
  7. Click the Add Parameter button.
  8. Click Import and import in the parameters from the Crystal report.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Try printing the copy of the report.
  11. If it prints correctly with no errors, repeat the Steps 1-2 and 5-10 above for the original report.

Resolution 2:

  1. In Crystal:
    1. Make a backup of the Crystal report, and then open the report in Crystal.
    2. Create a new parameter.
    3. Edit any Formula Fields that contained the original parameter to have the new parameter.
    4. Delete the original parameter.
    5. Save your changes.
  2. In DRM:
    1. Go to Reports | Dynamics Report Manager | Dynamics Report Manager Explorer.
    2. Highlight the report, click the Edit Report button.
    3. In the Parameters tab, select the parameter, and then click the Delete Parameter button.
    4. Click the Add Parameter button.
    5. Click Import and import in the parameter from the Crystal report.
    6. Click Save.