Exporting SmartList Designer Reports and Importing them into another Microsoft Dynamics GP Environment


The steps here describe how to create a SmartList Designer report, export it, import it, and then print it in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 and later.


In this example, I am creating a SmartList Designer Report for Omni Price Pricing Transactions. Here are the steps to follow:

Creating a SmartList Designer Report

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | SmartList.
  2. In the SmartList window, click New.
  3. In the SmartList Designer window, enter Pricing Transaction for List Name.
  4. Select Omni Price for Product.
  5. Expand Omni Price | Tables | 3rd Party.
  6. Mark the checkbox for the Pricing Transaction Line.
  7. Joining a table:
    • To link another table to the report, select the Table to add to it and then join the tables in the Relationship section.
  8. Adding a filter:
    • To add a filter to pull in specific records from the table, you can add on in the Filter section. Or, to just add the restriction when viewing the results in SmartList, you can use the Search button in SmartList to filter the results.
  9. Click OK to save the report. 

    Exporting a SmartList Designer Report

  10. In the SmartList window, select the Pricing Transaction folder, click Export/Import, and then click Export.
  11. In the Export List window, select Omni Price for the Product ID.
  12. Select the Pricing Transaction report in the Available SmartList IDs section.
  13. Click Insert.
  14. Click the Browse button next to the File Name field, and then browse to a location you want the report saved to.
  15. In the Select a File window, enter a File Name for the report such as Pricing Transactions, and then click Open.
  16. In the Export List window, click Export. 

    Importing a SmartList Designer Report

  17. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | SmartList.
  18. In the SmartList window, click Export/Import, and then click Import.
  19. In the Import List window, click the Browse button to browse to the location of the report.
  20. In the Select a File window, select the report, and then click Open.
  21. In the Import List window, click Import. 

    Print the Report

  22. In the SmartList window, expand Omni Price.
  23. Select the Pricing Transactions report, and the results will appear.
