File Not Found:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\DRMSRS.exe when printing a SRS report

Why am I receiving Run Application Error, “File Not Found:’C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\DRMSRS.exe…” when trying to print a SRS report?

This error indicates that the DRMSRS.exe file is missing from the GP application folder. This file is one of several files that comes with the DRM download that needs to reside within the GP application folder.


  1. Close out of GP.
  2. Copy all DRM files from your previous download into the GP application folder including the chunk file, or download the latest build of DRM from Note:  If upgrading from an older build, you will need to upgrade all other workstations/servers, so all are on the same build.
  3. Double-click the SQL Report Viewer 2008.exe to install it.
  4. Launch GP, click Yes to install new code and go through the DRM install process.