How do I set up an e-signature on the Void button in the Sales Transaction Entry window?


In Auditor, how do I set up an e-signature on the Void button in the Sales Transaction Entry window in Dynamics GP?


Please do the following steps:

1. While in the Signature Assignment Wizard, it will ask you to navigate to the window where you want to add your Signature. Bring up an existing Order in the Sales Trx Entry window first, then I click on the Void button to assign a Signature to it. The name of the field “Void Button NONE” will appear in the Assign Signature dialog.

2. Assign your Signature to this button by clicking the Assign Signature button. Then close the Assign  Signature dialog.

3. Open the Sales Trx Entry window, pull up an order or whatever you want to Void, then click on the Void button. You should see the E-sign Approval Needed window pop up.