How to continue using Extended Pricing when Omni Price is installed but Setup is not completed.


The steps here describe how to continue using Extended Pricing when Omni Price is installed but it has not been setup completely.


There are three options with steps below. The first option is to not activate Omni Price. The second option is to deselect the Active Modules. The third option is to use a filter such as a Date filter so you can run through test transactions using a date within the date range and Test items.

Option 1: Inactivate Omni Price

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Omni Price | Pricing setup.
  2. Unmark the Activate Customer Pricing System checkbox.
  3. Click OK.

Option 2: Deselect Active Modules

  1. Go to Cards | Omni Price | Contract.
  2. In the Contract Maintenance window, select the Contract ID, press and hold down the Ctrl key while you click on Invoicing and Sales Order Processing to deselect the Active Modules.
  3. Click Save.

Option 3: Enter Date Filter restriction or another restriction

  1. Go to Cards | Omni Price | Contract.
  2. In the Contract Maintenance window, select the Contract ID.
  3. Select Use Date Filter for Date Selection.
  4. Drill back on Date Filter ID to create a new Date Filter ID for a date restriction far in the past or far in the future.
  5. Then select that Date Filter ID in the Contract Maintenance window.
  6. Click Save.

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