How to Disable the ‘Checking for newer builds’ Message


The “Checking for newer builds…” message is appearing when launching Microsoft Dynamics GP and you would like to disable the message.


The “Checking for newer builds…” message is user-specific. It is automatically set up to display only for the POWERUSERS and for Rockton Software Product System Administrators*. It is recommended that you leave at least one person enabled so that they are notified when a new build is available.

To disable the message from appearing, here are a couple of options:

Option 1:

  1. Click the Help icon in the upper-right corner of Dynamics GP.
  2. Click Rockton Software Support.
  3. Click Settings | Rockton Software Preferences. (If you are on an older version, click Preferences | Rockton Global Settings.)
  4. Under the User-specific settings section, select the specific User you want to disable the message for.
  5. Unmark the Enable check for newer builds at the login checkbox.
  6. Repeat this steps 4 and 5 for each user that you want to disable this message for.


All of the Users will be marked by default; however, the “Checking for newer builds…” message will ONLY appear for PowerUsers and Users assigned to the System Administrator role for Rockton Software Products*.

*If you use Auditor, then it is based on those Users you marked as Auditor System Administrators in the Auditor System Settings window (Auditor | System Settings).

Option 2:

Within Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:

If the User(s) already exists in the table and just needs their record updated, you can do a mass update to disable the process.

  1. Make a complete restorable backup of the DYNAMICS database.
  2. Run the following statement against the DYNAMICS database in a New Query in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:

Update DYNAMICS..RSIGLOBL SET RS_Global_Setting_Value = ‘0’ WHERE RS_Global_Setting_Key = ‘EnableNewerBuildCheck’

Note: The RS_Global_Setting_Value of Enabled is 1 and of Disabled is 0.

If the User(s) does not exist in the table, you can run an insert statement to add the record to the DYNAMICS RSIGLOBL table and disable the process:

  1. Make a complete restorable backup of the DYNAMICS database.
  2. Run the following statement against the DYNAMICS database in a New Query in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:

Insert into DYNAMICS..RSIGLOBL(PRODID,USERID, RS_Global_Setting_Key,RS_Global_Setting_Value)

Select ‘0’,‘USERIDXXX’,‘EnableNewerBuildCheck’,‘0’

Note: Replace USERIDXXX with how the actual User ID appears in the User Setup window (Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | System | User).

More Information:

When a POWERUSER or Rockton Software Product System Administrator installs any Rockton Software product after disabling this setting, they will receive a prompt at the end of the install to re-enable the setting if it has been disabled. It is recommended that at least one person has the setting enabled so that they are notified when a new build is available.

If you have Dynamics GP Toolbox installed, you can create a PopUp for the User Setup window. This will remind the User who is going into the User Setup window that if they are adding a new user in the system who may be a POWERUSER or an Administrator for Rockton Software Products, they can disable the checking for newer builds message after saving the new user in the system. Here is how to set this up:

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup |  Dynamics GP Toolbox | PopUp Maintenance or use the shortcut icon.
  2. Tab through to the Window field.
  3. Enter User Setup and tab off the field.
  4. Select Medium for Priority.
  5. Select Never for Dismiss.
  6. Enter a Title similar to: Disable Checking for Newer Builds for PowerUsers.
  7. Enter a Note displaying the information in the Resolution section above.
  8. Click Save.