How to Lock the Unit Price and Extended Price Fields in the Sales Transaction Entry Window


The steps here explain how to keep the defaulted Omni Price values in the Sales Transaction Entry window by locking the Unit Price and Extended Price fields.


  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | System | Field Level Security.
  2. In the Field Level Security window, click Add.
  3. In the Field Security Maintenance window, enter SOPUNITPRICE in the Field security ID field.
  4. Enter Omni Price SOP Unit Price in the Description field.
  5. Click the Product Name lookup button.
  6. In the Resource Explorer window:
    1. Expand Omni Price.
    2. Expand Sales.
    3. Expand Sales Transaction Entry.
    4. Click Scroll: Line_Scroll.
    5. Under the Display Name column, select (L) Unit Price.
    6. Click OK.
  7. In the Field Security Maintenance window, select Lock Field for Security Mode.
  8. Here is a screenshot of the Field Security ID:
  9. Click Save.
  10. Close the Field Security Maintenance window.
  11. In the Field Level Security window, mark the checkboxes for the ID, the Company Name, and the Field Security ID you just created.
  12. Click Apply.
  13. In the Field Security Maintenance window, click Copy.
  14. Enter SOPEXTPRICE in the Field Security ID field.
  15. Enter Omni Price SOP Extended Price in the Description field.
  16. Click the Product Name lookup button.
  17. In the Resource Explorer window, under the Display Name column, select the (L) Extended Price field, and then click OK.
  18. Here is a screenshot of the Field Security ID:
  19. In the Field Security Maintenance window, click Save.
  20. Close the Field Security Maintenance window.
  21. In the Field Level Security window, mark the checkboxes for the ID, the Company Name, and the Field Security ID you just created.
  22. Click Apply.
  23. Click OK.

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