How to set a Report Table Field equal to a Report Parameter in a Crystal Report using a Record Selection Formula


These steps here describe how to set a Report Table Field equal to a Report Parameter in a Crystal Report using a Record Selection Formula.


The steps are as follows:

  1. Open the Crystal Reports program.
  2. Go to File | Open, browse to the location of your Crystal Report, select it, and then click Open.
  3. Go to Report | Selection Formulas | Record.
  4. Expand Report Fields.
  5. Double click on the specific Table Field to add it to the formula.
  6. Expand Operators and then expand Comparisons.
  7. Double click on Equal to add it to the formula.
  8. Expand Report Fields.
  9. Double click on the specific Parameter to add it to the formula.
  10. Click Save and close.


Here is a specific example for a Purchase Order report.

  1. Open the Crystal Reports program.
  2. Go to File | Open, browse to the location of your Crystal Report, select it, and then click Open.
  3. Go to Report | Selection Formulas | Record.
  4. Expand Report Fields.
  5. Double click on Table Field, POP10100.PONUMBR, to add it to the formula.
  6. Expand Operators and then expand Comparisons.
  7. Double click on Equal to add it to the formula.
  8. Expand Report Fields.
  9. Double click on the Parameter, po number, to add it to the formula.
  10. Click Save and close.

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