How to utilize Omni Price for your Buy 1 Get 1 (BOGO) Offerings


The steps here describe how to utilize Omni Price for your Buy 1 Get 1 (BOGO) Offering. You will create your regular contracts but also create a contract for the Get 1 items.


Here are the steps to follow:

Enabling the allow Contract override option:

  1. Log into GP as sa or a poweruser.
  2. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Omni Price | Pricing Setup.
  3. Mark Allow overriding Contracts during Sales transaction entry.
  4. Click OK.

Creating the original Contract:

  1. Go to Cards | Omni Price | Contract.
  2. Enter a Contract ID and Description.
  3. Select a Contract Priority less than 10 to make it a high priority contract. Note: If there is more than one contract applicable to the Item Number on the Sales Transaction, the one with the highest priority will be selected even if the pricing is higher.
  4. Then add the Item Numbers in the Pricing Matrix section.
  5. In this example, the Contract is as follows:




Note: If you need to specify the Site ID, Currency ID, Price Level, and/or U of M in the pricing matrix section, click the expansion button to show the details.


Creating the Buy One Get One Contract:

Once you have the main Contract set up in your system, you can pick from a variety of ways to create the secondary Contract for the BOGO you are offering.

The first step is to create a duplicate of the original Contract. Here are the steps on how to duplicate the Contract:

  1. Duplicate the original Contract.
  2. Go to Cards | Omni Price | Contract.
  3. Select the original Contract.
  4. Click Actions | Duplicate Contract.
  5. Enter a new Contract ID.
  6. Click OK, and then click OK to the message that it was successfully duplicated.
  7. Change the Contract Priority to 10 – Lowest. Note: If there is more than one contract applicable to the Item Number on the Sales Transaction, the one with the highest priority will be selected over this one.

The next step is deciding which method is best for your Contract on adjusting the pricing information. Here are three options:

Option 1: Manually change the Adjustment/Price or Percentages for each Item in the Pricing Matrix.


  1. Go to Cards | Omni Price | Contract.
  2. Select the duplicated Contract.
  3. On all the items, manually change the Adjustment/Price or Percentages to zero, for example. Note: Or, you can adjust the price appropriately for the discount you are offering on the next quantity of the Item. For example, maybe the second item is 50% off instead of free.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In this example, the Contract is as follows:



Option 2: Use Contract Mass Update to update the Adjustment/Price and/or Percentages for each Item in the Pricing Matrix.


Click here for more information on the Contract Mass Update Utility.


Option 3: Use Excel Import/Export to update the Adjustment/Price and/or Percentages for each Item in the Pricing Matrix.

Click here for more information on the Excel Import/Export Utility.


Transaction Entry:

When entering the Sales Transaction (Transactions | Sales | Sales Transaction Entry) information, expand the line item to see the Contract ID field. For the first line, the highest priority Contract will default. The screenshot below shows that Contract ID SOCK 2017 4 – 6 was selected for the Item Number SOCK_PURPLE_ARGYLE.


When you add the next Item number, SOCK_YELLOW_DOT, again the highest priority Contract will default. This is where you can select the BOGO Contract you created. For example, I click the Contract ID lookup button and select BOGOSOCK20174-6 Contract ID. In the screenshot below, you can see that the Unit Price then changes to $0.00 and Overridden will appear next to the Contract ID field.

In the screenshot below, you can see that you can add a variety of Item Numbers or you can add the same Item Number to offer the BOGO discount to the customer: