I cannot get any SQL Reporting Services reports to work? Any ideas?

I cannot get any SQL Reporting Services reports to work? Any ideas? Configuring the SQL Report Server and launching a report is not the most intuitive thing. It took us a long time to figure it out, so hopefully this explanation will help.

Your Dynamics Report Manager System Settings for the SQL Report Server Virtual Directory needs to be in this format (DRM Report Explorer | Admin View | Admin | System Settings):


Where BOB is the name of the computer/server, and ReportServer is the name of the Report Server. The name ReportServer is the default with SRS installs but can be changed. You can check your admin panel in your SRS setup to see the name of the Report Server by going to Start | Programs | Configuration Tools | Reporting Services Configuration.

What makes this so incredibly quirky is that when a report is launched, the URL we send is not the URL that ends up being displayed. Suppose this report is set up inside DRM with the following Report Technical Name:


Well, what DRM builds to send to the URL is


and what you see in the URL is


So check your Report Server and try again. If you send the same thing you see in the URL, the report will fail.