Launch Point setup example – Desktop Shortcut

Launch Point setup example – Desktop Shortcut

Reports can be launched from the regular shortcut bar using the Shortcut Bar Launch Point option.

Setup Steps:

1. Log into Great Plains as a user who is set up as a DRM Report Administrator
2. Under the Admin View in DRM select Launch Points
3. Click on New Launch Point
4. Select Desktop Shortcut as the Launch Point Type, enter a New Launch Point ID and click OK
5. Click on the Reports tab and select the report you would like to print.
6. Check the Access tab to ensure access is set correctly
7. Click on the Actions tab, then click the plus (+) sign. Add the action Launch all reports
8. Under the Settings tab click on Create Shortcut, then click on the Save button
9. Exit and then re-enter GP in order to refresh the Shortcut Menu and see your shortcut

The following is an example of how to print a report using a Shortcut Bar Launch Point.

1. Click on New Launch Point Launch Point Type = Shortcut Bar New Launch Point ID = Commissions Report
2. Reports tab: Click (+) and browse to my Commissions report and click Select
3. Check the Access tab to ensure access is set correctly
4. Click on the Actions tab, then click the plus (+) sign. Add the action Launch all reports
5. Settings tab: Click the Create Shortcut, then click on the Save button