Omni Price Error: A get/change operation on table ‘WDC_Pricing_SETP’ failed accessing SQL data.





After installing Omni Price in some but not all of your companies, when attempting to log into a company that does not have Omni Price installed in it, you receive the following error message:




A get/change operation on table ‘WDC_Pricing_SETP’ failed accessing SQL data.




Invalid object name ‘WDC42100’.








This situation has been documented as a software bug. The error message appears when logging into a company that does not have Omni Price installed in it but another company has Omni Price installed in it.








Option 1: Install Omni Price in all companies. Then do the following in the companies where you want Omni Price inactive:


  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Omni Price | Pricing Setup.
  2. Unmark Activate Customer Pricing System.
  3. Click OK.




Option 2: Use a separate Dynamics.set file logging into the companies where Omni Price is not installed. Here is an example of how to modify the Dynamics.set file:




  1. Reduce the top number by 1.
  2. Remove the following lines. Please note that the path is an example of the default path used for GP 2016.Your path may be different.
    1. 1999
    2. Omni Price
    3. :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2016/OMNIPRCE.DIC
    4. :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2016/Data/OPRC_FRM.DIC
    5. :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2016/Data/OPRC_RPT.DIC






To have your contact information added to the bug so that you are notified with any updates regarding the bug, please reach out to