SmartFill Implementation Tips


Provides helpful information on implementing, installing, and setting up SmartFill.


Below is information regarding the install and implementation of SmartFill. If you would like Rockton Software to perform the implementation or you would like detailed training on SmartFill, email or call our sales team for a quote on those services.
877-4-ROCKTON (877-476-2586)
International: 208-263-5288

Pre- Installation

1. Discovery

After installing SmartFill, it is helpful to determine the following:

  • Where do you want to use SmartFill as your lookups?
  • Is there additional information you would like to see?
  • Will the default objects be enough?

2. Download
The latest build of our Product can be found on our website using the link below. Select your version of Microsoft Dynamics GP and then mark the Product to download. You may also download the user guide and other Object groups.

Product Downloads


1. Install

SmartFill should be installed on all machines where Microsoft Dynamics GP code is installed or where you want SmartFill to invoke when users enter records. If it is not installed where a user is entering data, the SmartFill Object will not invoke and the standard GP lookup will be needed.

We do recommend all users are of the system while completing the installs. The following KB provides helpful information on installing our products.

Installing the Latest Build

2. Time

The first install will take the most time as this is when tables, stored procedures, etc. are built. Typically, the install takes 5-10 minutes. The remaining workstations will take less time as it is installing the code only.

3. Registration Keys

After the install is complete, be sure to enter the registration keys that were provided to you by the sales team. Ensure they are valid after being entered. If not, contact to assist you.

Set Up

1. Security

Assign security roles to the necessary users. When you install SmartFill, a SmartFill Admin. role will be added to security.  The SmartFill Admin. will have access to all SmartFill windows and be able to modify, delete, or create new objects. If you want SmartFill to only invoke for users when doing lookups, then you do not need to assign a SmartFill Security Role to them. Instead, anything they need will be added to the DEFAULUSER task.

2. Objects

By default, SmartFill will come with a variety of Objects already available for you to use so SmartFill will work right out of the box. Objects are essentially the lookups used throughout Dynamics GP. You can test those existing objects to verify you have everything you need. You may find a window where the lookup does not work. In this case, the object may exist but may not be assigned to the window. If not, you can add the window to the Repository for that window. The following KB will take you through the steps to add to the repository.

How to add a smartfill lookup in other windows


1. Test

Do full testing on your objects and determine if there is anything additional you would like to see in the Make a Selection window. You can add additional columns and link tables to get more information. If you need assistance on adding more information, see our Knowledgebase Articles on our website or contact

2. Save Objects

If you do modify your existing Objects or if you have added new ones, we recommend you copy the .txt files and save them in a backup folder. The files are stored in the GP code folder. They are .txt files and the file names will begin with Smartfill. For example, SmartFillVendors.txt, SmartFillCustomers.tx.


1. Current Version
Periodically we release a new build of SmartFill. We recommend you install the most recent build if possible. This will ensure you have the latest bug fixes and newest enhancements.

More Information:
Below are additional KB articles that may assist you in implementing Auditor.

SmartFill spSmartFill.sql File

How to create a SmartFill Custom SQL Object

A get/change first operation on table ‘SF_Object_MSTR’ failed accessing SQL data After Installing SmartFill

How to Temporarily Disable SmartFill

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