Specify a Standard or Manually Enter the From Address when Using SMTP and Emailing SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Reports using Dynamics Report Manager


The information here describes how to specify a standard From Address or manually enter a From Address when using SMTP and emailing SSRS reports using Dynamics Report Manager


Here are the steps to follow:

To specify a standard From Address for SSRS reports being emailed through DRM:

  1. Go to Reports | Dynamics Report Manager | Dynamics Report Manager Explorer.
  2. In the Dynamics Report Manager Explorer window, select the Batch Report created to email the SSRS report, and then click the Edit Report button.
  3. In the Batch Report Maintenance window, click the Email tab.
  4. Enter a From Address, and then click Save.
  5. See screenshot.


To manually enter the From Address for SSRS reports being emailed when emailing the report from the DRM Explorer window:

  1. Go to Reports | Dynamics Report Manager | Dynamics Report Manager Explorer.
  2. In the Dynamics Report Manager Explorer window, double click the SSRS report.
  3. Click the Print List tab.
  4. Select the SSRS report, and then click the Print button.
  5. In the Launch Report window, click E-mail Options.
  6. In the E-mail Options window, enter a From Address, and then click OK. See screenshot below.
  7. In the Launch Report window, click Print.