This window is already being used by sa, please try again later

When you try to open the Reset Batches window in Dynamics GP Toolbox, you receive the following message:

This window is already being used by sa, please try again later.


This issue may occur because a record for the sa user is stuck in the Payroll Activity table.


  1. Make a complete restorable backup and have everyone out of the system.
  2. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, click New Query.
  3. Run the following script against the DYNAMICS databases to see what record is stuck. Replace XXX with the User ID that appears in the error message. Note the DEX_ROW_ID for the stuck record.

    Select * from DYNAMICS..UPR10300 where USERID = 'XXX' and PYRLACTV = 'WT_BAT'

  4. Run the following script against the DYNAMICS database to delete the stuck record. Replace YYY with the DEX_ROW_ID of the stuck record you noted in Step 3 above.

    Delete DYNAMICS..UPR10300 where DEX_ROW_ID = YYY

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