Tracking when GL Batches are deleted


You need to use Auditor to track when users delete General Ledger (GL) Batches.


A Table Audit on the SY00500 will not capture when GL Batches are deleted due to how Dynamics GP works in regards to the General Ledger. Use a SQL Audit instead.


1.  A SQL Table Audit can be setup on the SY00500.
2.  You will want to mark the desired Reference Fields based on what you want to see in the Audit Inquiry window.
3.  Mark ‘Track Deletes’ under the Tracking Options.

You cannot use conditional auditing on SQL Table Audits to limit the Audits to just the GL, however, you could create a SmartList Favorite for the following Search Definitions.

You can also add a SQL Table Audit on the GL10000 so that when a GL Batch is deleted, it will show the Journal Entries that were deleted from the batch.

You could also create a SmartList Favorite for Table Name = SY00500, which would show all Batches so that it is not just GL Batches, if applicable to your company.  Then, you could create another Favorite based on the Event Type equaling ADD and another for DELETE, so that you can track when a Batch is added, etc.