Unhandled script exception: Wrong number of arguments passed to system 2706 from script ‘MAPI_Send’.”


You receive the following error in DRM when trying to email reports.

Unhandled script exception:Wrong number of arguments passed to system 2706 from script 'MAPI_Send'.


  1. The email application you are using is not a MAPI application. You will need to switch to a MAPI compliant application.
  2. You are trying to use DRM to email, but don’t have an email application installed on the machine you are trying to email from. In order to use DRM you must have an application installed on the machine you are running the reports and trying to email.
  3. Your email application is not running at the time you are telling DRM to email the report. Launch your email application and then run the reports again.

Check with your email administrator if none of these solutions apply.