We do not want the last user name or password to show when someone else logs into our Citrix environment. How do we get those fields to be blank?

We are on a citrix server and do not want the last user name or password to show when someone else logs in. How do we get those fields to be blank?

  1. Enable Auto Login in the Toolbox System Settings.
  2. Then go to Tools | Setup | Dynamics GP Toolbox | Auto Login.
  3. On the Auto Login window, uncheck ‘Remember Last User During Login’ and then leave a blank value in the User ID and Password fields.
  4. Log out of GP and then open your Dex.ini file.
  5. You will see a line:
  6. RSTB_AutoLogin=,0,,GP10,FALSE,TRUE.
    Change it to

  7. Log into GP.

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