What can I do if the Inactivity Timeout is activating prematurely?

What can I do if the Inactivity Timeout is activating prematurely? If the Inactivity Timeout is attempting to exit while a user is in fact not idle, it would be because they are not performing any of the activities the Inactivity Timeout feature is looking for. To resolve this issue, you can either de-activate the Inactivity Timeout feature for the users in question using the Omni Tools Control Panel (Cards >> Omni Tools >> Control Panel) or you could use VBA code to update the counters, such as this:

Dim CompilerApp As New Dynamics.Application
Dim CompilerApp As Object
Dim CompilerMessage As String
Dim CompilerError As Integer
Dim Commands As String

Create link without having reference marked
Set CompilerApp = CreateObject(“Dynamics.Application”)

Commands = “”
Commands = Commands & “call with name “”WDC_Pathname_PRE”” in dictionary 2054;” & vbCrLf

Execute SanScript
CompilerError = CompilerApp.ExecuteSanscript(Commands, CompilerMessage)
If CompilerError