Information on the Auditor Reconcile Process


Explains what the Auditor Reconcile process will do.

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Setup tables Option

When you mark the Setup tables option during the Reconcile process will look for any audits which are not assigned to a group and remove them. The items not assigned to a group are not set up correctly and will not be audited. Audits not assigned to a group normally happen when a user is working on, or checking into, initializing an audit but never enters a Group ID. Reconcile will also remove tables and/or Audits for products which have been uninstalled, or include tables that no longer exist in the database.

For example, you may have a 3rd Party table being audited but then uninstalled the product. Since the dictionary is no longer there, the table is no longer available. The Reconcile process would remove that table from the Audit Group.

To reconcile the Setup tables follow these steps:

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Auditor | Auditor Setup.
  2. From the Setup tab, click Reconcile.
  3. Mark ‘Setup tables‘.
  4. Mark Integrity check only and then click Process. A report will print that will display the issues found.
  5. Mark Remove stranded items and click Process. This will remove those records displayed on the report.

SQL Database Table IDs

When you mark SQL Database Table IDs option during the reconcile the process will reassign the RSA SQL Database Table ID. This is helpful if you have had to do a restore or a table uninstall reinstall and the ID is no longer assigned appropriately. When you use SQL Table audits, the identifier field is stored as the RSA SQL Database Table ID so as to accommodate the primary key field character limitation. It is not large enough to store the Database Name and Table Name.

Previously, in order to resolve this issue, you needed to export your Audit Groups and reimport them.

To reconcile SQL Database Table IDs follow these steps:

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Auditor | Auditor Setup.
  2. From the Setup tab, click Reconcile.
  3. Mark ‘SQL Database Table IDs‘.
  4. Click Process.
  5. A report will print upon completion.

Note: the SQL Database Table IDs option is only available on the following versions and later.

GP2015 and GP2015R2 – Build 6
GP2016 and GP2016R2 – Build 3
GP2018 – Build 2

Report Results

Auditor has an Integrity Check button on the About Box, which will also run automatically if there are errors in a setup of an Audit. Use the guide below to resolve specific issues. If you get stuck on any issue, e-mail your report list to support and we will direct you with what to do.

TABLE XXXX IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH A GROUP – This is because the table isn’t associated with a group, and the latest version requires each audited table to be associated with a group. Open Group Maintenance and create a group if you haven’t already. Then use the ADD/PLUS button to the right of Tables to look up a table to add. Find the unassociated table in the list and select it.

FORM XXXX IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH A GROUP – This is because the form isn’t associated with a group, and the latest version requires each audited form to be associated with a group. Open Group Maintenance and create a group if you haven’t already. Then use the ADD/PLUS button to the right of Forms to look up a form to add. Find the unassociated form in the list and select it.

TABLE XXXX IS NOT MARKED TO TRACK EDITS, BUT HAS FIELDS CHECKED TO AUDIT – From Group Maintenance, display the group this table is in. Double-click on this table in the tables list to enter Auditor Table Maintenance. Check the “Track Edited Record” checkbox. Click OK to save.

TABLE XXXX DOES NOT HAVE A COLUMN SEQUENCE – From Group Maintenance, display the group this table is in. Double-click on this table in the tables list to enter Auditor Table Maintenance. Click the OK button. This will add background data that is needed for the table to audit properly.

FORM XXXX FIELD YYYY IS NOT AUDITABLE AND MUST BE UNMARKED – From Group Maintenance, display the group this form is in. Double-click on this form in the forms list to enter Auditor Form Maintenance. In the list of fields, find the specified field and unmark it for auditing. Certain fields, such as push buttons, cannot be audited.

FORM XXXX DOES NOT HAVE ANY KEY FIELDS SPECIFIED – From Group Maintenance, display the group this form is in. Double-click on this form in the forms list to enter Auditor Form Maintenance. Use the wizard or choose fields from the list of fields on specific windows to pick key fields. Each audited window must have at least one key field selected. If you aren’t sure what a key field is or what to choose, contact support. (An example of a key field in Vendor Maintenance would be the Vendor ID. In Customer Address Maintenance, the key fields would be Customer ID and Address ID.)

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