Why do I get a Menu not found error when the Inactivity Timeout tries to exit?

Why do I get a “Menu not found” error when the Inactivity Timeout tries to exit? Omni Password’s Inactivity Timeout replicates the user selecting File >> Exit, by creating and executing a small macro file “on-the-fly”. This macro tries to select the menu choice for File >> Exit. We have found that a translated runtime may not use the same words ie. “File” and “Exit” and can cause the macro to fail. Version 6.0 and version 7.X builds allow you to use the modifier to change the following messages; 22673 = “File” and 22674 = “Exit. If you change these to match the correct wording for your runtime, the issue will be resolved.

This is no longer an issue on v8.0 onwards due to the change in the menu implementation.