Here at Rockton we like to celebrate all things, big and small, that bring joy to our lives. We thought it would be fun to share our March celebrations with you and hopefully spread the joy around! Here are a few things the Rockton family celebrated this month.
Rockton Team
This month Rockton went bottoms up in Nashville for our semi-annual company retreat. This time around we were welcoming a few new team members to the Rockton family and Music City was the perfect venue to play together and make some sweet memories. Read all about it (and listen to our hit single) here.

I celebrated Daylight Savings! It was a forced celebration and I didn’t enjoy it, but I took part…because I had to or I would be late for everything. Lol!
During the Nashville Retreat I loved The Listening Room – so much so I went back on Thursday night.
I’m celebrating a few things!
- National Reading Month: I’ve been really into the Expanse book series, just finished the 5th of the series.
- March Madness: I don’t think my Colorado buffs will make it this year, but have a big recruit coming next year, so look out!
- St. Patrick’s Day: I extended my time in Nashville so I could celebrate through St. Patrick’s Day weekend.
- And finally, as always, I’m celebrating my animals, Arty and Benny

This month was World Puppy Day and we are celebrating 7 healthy pups by first time Goldendoodle Mama, Hazel!

This month it is International Rescue Cat Day so my cat decided it would be a great time to get stuck in a tree.….for the 2nd time. I don’t think this is what they mean by “rescue cat” but here is my cat being safely rescued from a very tall tree…..again.
I also had an amazing time celebrating with our team at the Nashville Retreat. Some of the highlights for me:
- Celebrate Mark’s birthday together
- Going to the listening room
- Walking picture tour
- Recording our song
- The Johnny Cash Museum
- Getting to enjoy all the music and so much talent!
In honor of World Wildlife Day my daughter wanted to explore a number of our local state parks and wildlife reserves throughout the month. It was our goal to see as many bald eagles as we possibly could. Bald eagles are really active at this time of year in Colorado and yet every time we see one it still feels so special, especially right now when you get to see the juveniles learning from their parents. Once we passed 30 we started losing count, but I think we ended up with around 35 bald eagles in March! (the ones with the brown heads are juveniles that haven’t developed their signature white heads yet)

Join us in wishing a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mark this month!

This quarter we are celebrating work anniversaries of 4 amazing team members!

Jenn is celebrating 16 years with Rockton!
“Where to even begin with how I appreciate Jenn. She has so many qualities I admire, but I want to make a special point of appreciating her kindness and her heart. She genuinely cares for each of us, and not just as co-workers, but as people, and she pushes us to be better humans. She sees the strength and ability in everyone. Jenn was one of the first people I really connected with. Her and I have shared more laughs together than I can remember and I truly couldn’t be happier to have met her. She also has a pretty good taste in music… though she might over play a song here or there.“
“Jenn is our culture barometer. She allows for all of us to have the strong personalities we do and provides our team buffer to keep us from killing each other. More importantly, she is a student of self, always in search of how to be a better human, and demonstrating with grace actually being a better human, warts and all. And her optimism carries us forward when things seem to go wrong.“

Shawn is celebrating 11 years with Rockton!
“Shawn is a stealth leader. He assumes and exhibits leadership in subtle but powerful ways. He takes great ownership in projects/issues. And I love that he’s able to examine and weigh in on our entire company as an enterprise, with uncanny ability to comment wisely on marketing strategy and other areas outside of development.“
“Not really sure a few sentences here can fully encompass the appreciation I have for Shawn. He’s got a lot of great qualities, but for me personally it has always been about the trust and confidence he has always shown in me, and the mentorship he has given. Even way back when I started, and wasn’t sure which way to hold the computer, to now having my own business card, he has helped me grow in so many ways. Half of them I’m not sure I fully appreciate yet. I hope when I’m his age (year and years from now) I can be half the person he is.“

Mike is celebrating 9 years with Rockton!
“I appreciate Mike’s sense of humor. Most of us spend more than half of our waking hours at work, dealing with all kinds of stress. A sense of humor goes a long way to look at stressful situations in a different light, and it also helps maintain a fun work environment. A laughter filled work environment is a pretty good indicator that people are comfortable with each other and that they share a positive & healthy working relationship.”
“I really appreciate Mike’s naturally friendly and inclusive nature. He goes out of his way to be kind to everyone he meets. He doesn’t take himself too seriously and knows how to bring joy to any situation he finds himself in. I know I can always count on him if I need a good laugh and fun conversation. I also really appreciate his creative artistic side. He is a great friend who brings a wonderful energy to this team!”

Carmen is celebrating 9 years with Rockton!
“I appreciate Carmen’s support and commitment to her work. The incredible work ethic and organizational skills that she brings to Rockton creates a positive influence for the whole team. Carmen’s professional expertise and knowledge is unparalleled! And I think she’s a pretty great person too. She’s one of the most authentic and caring people that I know.“
“I truly enjoy working with Carmen. Anyone that works with her can see her tenacity at solving problems, her unparalleled work ethic, her intelligence and ability to see things from every angle, but what I enjoy the most has always been her honesty, her kindness, and her humor. We both have analytical minds, and it is a joy for me to work with someone who can see all sides, and whose opinion I hold in such strong regard. But besides that, we have had so many great stories together, and while we probably could have analyzed the pros and cons of biking down a mountain better, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. She is someone I know would drop anything to for a friend, and I feel lucky enough to call her one myself.“