Here at Rockton we like to celebrate all things, big and small, that bring joy to our lives. We thought it would be fun to share our March celebrations with you and hopefully spread the joy around! Here are a few things the Rockton family celebrated this month.

Celebrating Shawn’s 12 years at Rockton!
“Shawn is a stealth leader. He assumes and exhibits leadership in subtle but powerful ways. He takes great ownership in projects/issues. And I love that he’s able to examine and weigh in on our entire company as an enterprise, with uncanny ability to comment wisely on marketing strategy and other areas outside of development.
I appreciate Shawn’s ability to share technical knowledge in a way that makes it easier to understand for some of us less technical folks. What a great person to have on any team!”
I’ve enjoyed having Convergence or Company Retreats happen mid-March, which is around my birthday and St. Patrick’s Day. Nothing quite like a pub crawl with our team!
I celebrated a record snowstorm in Colorado this March by building an igloo!

March is one of my favorite months. It’s the month I met my husband and our anniversary. To add to the great memories, this year, we had a company retreat in North Carolina at the Outer Banks. Even though it was raining, we still had fun walking down the beach in the rain, holding a mini-Rockton Olympics playing shuffleboard and pool, and our team event making a mocktail charcuterie board with a mid-evil theme and our surprise ingredient of cheese. So much fun!
This month our family is celebrating that we have become horse owners for the first time, our Western Gaming competition season has started, and my girls are now getting into cow sorting. Some fun and not usual sporting activities for those of us who didn’t grow up on, nor live on a farm. This small-town momma is learning lots! As a mom of teens, I’m also celebrating that my 17 yr old still wants to hang out and go to concerts with mom. I’ll take them hanging out with mom as long as I can.

March is a funny month in Colorado, it teases us some days that spring is upon us, only to have it snow three feet the next day. But I love the large spring snows we get. But I think my real favorite thing about March, is the college basketball tournament. Just having an entire day dedicated to it, it’s my favorite sporting event of the year. And it’s always fun to fill out a bracket which gets broken the first day. I am hopefully this year is exceptionally celebratory for my alma matter CU, who has a talented team, but has shown this year that doesn’t always translate to wins.

Working virtually most of the year, I treasure the time when we can all be together. This spring’s company retreat on the coast of Outer Banks, NC was filled with so many laughs. I love how our team can come together to work intensely together, and then just bust out in laughter with a simple statement or look from someone in the room. The camaraderie is so rewarding.