May Celebrations 2024

May 29, 2024

may celebrations

Here at Rockton, we like to celebrate all things, big and small, that bring joy to our lives. We thought it would be fun to share our May celebrations with you and hopefully spread the joy around! Here are a few things the Rockton family celebrated this month.



In May, I like to celebrate my daughters, Stella who turned 7 in May and Olive who turns 9 in the beginning of June. This is perfect timing with Mother’s Day also being a May celebration.


For our household, May means Cinco de Mayo which also happens to be our oldest son’s birthday! (By the way, he is the one holding the pineapple.)



May means you can find me at one of my happy places. Watching horse competitions, soccer, relaxing at the lake or hanging out on my porch.


I am celebrating May by planting fruits, veggies, and flowers. This year I am growing tomatoes, strawberries, zucchini, yellow squash, and bell peppers. I also planted a couple giant sunflowers and some wildflowers native to Colorado.

I am also celebrating the Denver Nuggets making it to the second round of the NBA Playoffs. Though they’re off to a rough start, I’m still rooting for the Nuggets to win it in 7 games!



It May be cliché (pun intended), but what I love most about May is all the blooming flowers and all that green of spring. I love to get out and enjoy hikes with my pup or a beer on a patio, and the start of BBQ season! I love cooking and smoking foods, and all the smells it comes with it! I especially love waking up to brisk weather, and the temperatures warming, but not super hot!

With all the joys of the nicer weather, I am currently not celebrating sports. As a Colorado sports fan it has been a rough few days.


I just returned from the Entrepreneur Organization’s Global Leadership Conference in Singapore. It was an inspiring couple of days meeting with and learning from entrepreneurs from around the world. Because we had traveled so far, several of us attending from Colorado, extended the trip to the Maldives. The water was so clear and the snorkeling was incredible!

maldives singapore
turks and caicos


In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But, amidst the chaos it’s essential to take a step back and reflect on the moments that truly matter. For me, these moments often revolve around family time and making cherished memories. In early May, my family and I were fortunate enough to escape for a week to the gorgeous beaches of Turks & Caicos. It was a time of relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing us to return home feeling refreshed and recharged. This experience served as a powerful reminder of the importance of prioritizing quality time with loved ones.

Equally important is the supportive culture fostered by Rockton. I am immensely grateful to be part of a company that genuinely values its employees and prioritizes work-life balance. Rockton’s commitment to fostering a supportive and nurturing environment has made all the difference in ensuring a fulfilling and rewarding career.


What I like most about May, mainly because we’ve had kids, is that it’s always been a great time to take a trip, usually because school has just let out.  It’s sunnier as we head into summer, and having a reason to travel someplace fun is great.  However, now that we’re an empty nesters, we don’t necessarily go with the whole family.  This May, we’re headed to Florence, Oregon for a week and I’m so excited to see some water, a beach and supposedly “sand sledding” (google it!)

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