I think we can all agree, when you hear the word security we all feel a bit.. Ugh. After all, it isn’t fun to setup, manage and/or just try to wrap your head around.
In a recent webinar we did a little comparison between the standard Dynamics GP security and what is possible when you add Dynamics GP Toolbox to your system. Let’s take a look!
Standard GP Security vs Security Manage
With standard GP Security, you can create, update, and view the operations in the Security Role Setup window. The Role Description field gives you an idea of some of the operations a user will have access to if assigned this role. The Display Selected Tasks option helps focus the list down to only the operations included in this task.
Overall, this is a simple quick way to create, view and modify existing roles. Using the standard method, it is helpful to have a deep understanding of GP.
Dynamics GP Toolbox Security Manager
The Dynamics GP Toolbox doesn’t replace your GP standard security, it enhances it and gives you a more comprehensive view of your security. From the Security Manager Window you still can view, manage, update and print security reports. This view shows the granular details of what is included in each role, task, and all the details that make up each specific role. The grid format allows you to compare settings between users and quickly view settings for multiple companies without the need to log in and out of companies.
Simply double click on a role security to change a user’s security, or the print button to print out a security report. It’s simple and easy!
Security Task Setup vs Task builder
To setup a new Task in Dynamics GP you must know which product, type, series, and user type you are working with to get the correct operations list to display in the Access List area. A deep understanding of which operations you need, is recommended to ensure you are granting the correct access to the Task you are creating.
Dynamics GP Toolbox Task Builder
Dynamics GP Toolbox includes a wizard driven Task Builder. You can build a task with confidence knowing you are giving the user access to what you truly intend to. It is great if you are not fully familiar with the details behind the window/operation you are giving security to. Simply navigate directly to the window you would like to add and add it. It takes all the guess work out of setting up a task.
The best part, if a 3rd party product doesn’t already come with a pre-built security role, or if you simply want to add access to an existing role, the Task Builder makes it simple and easy to do so.
Once you complete the process of building your task, you can apply that task to any existing role that is already created in Dynamics GP.
System Password Vs Password Policy
Setting up a system password within Dynamics GP is straightforward. The system doesn’t have rules or guidelines to follow when doing so, which could be a big deal considering everything the system user has access to.
Dynamics GP Toolbox Password Policy
If you have a need, or a desire, to add some complexity to your password requirements, Dynamics GP Toolbox can do that for you. As a bonus, the password policy applies to both the Dynamics GP login AND the system password.
With ten different password options, you have the flexibility to create a password policy that suites your company’s security needs. Here is a list of password options you can choose from:
- Expirations – controls how soon passwords need to change
- Allows changes – prevents passwords from being changed too often
- Minimum Password Length – set a minimum password length
- Password Uniqueness – how many unique passwords must be used before reusing a password
- Changed Characters – how different a password must be from a previous one
- Numeric Characters – how many numeric characters are required
- Symbolic Characters – how many symbolic characters are required
- Force Mixed Case – forces at least one lower-case and one upper case character
- Warning Period – displays a warning before password expiration
- Grace Period – allows a user a specific number of times to login after password expiration
Standard Notes vs Pop-Notes
Dynamics GP allows you to add OLE notes to records throughout the system. A yellow note indicates a note has been added. Dynamic GP notes relies on the end user to notice they have been added and requires them to click and open the note, in order to read it.
Dynamics GP Toolbox Pop-Up Notes
Pop-up Notes, in Dynamics GP Toolbox, has several different features. You can schedule notes to appear within a specific time frame, only appear for certain people, attached to specific records, allow your users to cancel them once they read them, or make it really pesky and have them always pop-up. You choose!
The best part, these notes automatically pop-up. There is no missing them.
Imagine you have a customer you want to stop selling to until they pay their outstanding bills, or maybe you want to offer a special discount to a VIP customer, the ideas are endless. This is a simple and easy way to do so.
What You Need:
- Do you have questions or want to learn more? Let us know – sales@rocktonsoftware.com
- Want to try it out? We offer FREE 30-day trial
- Curious what else is in the Dynamics GP Toolbox? Check out this collection of short videos that dive deeper.