Rockton Pricing Management

The most flexible, powerful, multi-platform pricing

solution ever available

Rockton Pricing Management

The most flexible, powerful, multi-platform pricing

solution ever available

How RPM Makes Your
Work Simpler & Easier® in Acumatica

  • The Sales Team can always get the right pricing, for the right customer, at the right time.
  • Controllers can authorize multiple discounts and adjustments and track those adjustments back to the GL.
  • Accounting can ditch the spreadsheets and manual effort of managing multiple price lists.
  • IT Managers are off the hook because mass updates can be user managed.
Pricing Revenue Management Engine

What can RPM do for you?


Automate even the most complex and obscure pricing scenarios and calculations.


Track all your price adjustments– rebates, commissions, promotions, and more.


Create, organize, filter and search all your price lists in a way that makes sense.



Enable date-driven pricing with all historical pricing tracked and archived.

Learn More

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Pricing Management: Proactive Wisdom for Business Leaders

Pricing Management: Proactive Wisdom for Business Leaders

Pricing is one of the most crucial, yet intimidating, aspects of any business. It can make or break profitability, growth, and customer loyalty. However, pricing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires a deep understanding of the market, customers, and...

Avoid Common Pricing Mistakes with Rockton Pricing Managment (RPM)

Avoid Common Pricing Mistakes with Rockton Pricing Managment (RPM)

Setting the right prices for your products or services is crucial for the success of your business. Pricing directly impacts your revenue, profitability, and customer satisfaction. However, many businesses struggle with common pricing mistakes which hinder their...